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GROWING UP IN HONG KONG – in a traditional Chinese family

I always remember that during my early childhood, my parents had to work very hard to make our ends meet and feed us.  And since I am a woman, and if you know about Chinese culture, men are normally perceived to be more important than women, so I wasn’t getting much attention from my parents. I felt neglected all the time, and little did I know, It led to an imposter syndrome and made me feel that I am not good enough, I am not important. I realised that being a girl is a disadvantage, so I must become strong to take care of myself. Resultantly, I’ve been very independent growing up.

After graduating with a Masters degree in Marketing & Communications, I spent more than a decade climbing the corporate ladder, and I found some success in the corporate world in my early life – holding various senior management positions in large international companies.

My life looked absolutely amazing on the outside – I always landed in the job I loved (Thanks to the book “The Secret” that I read in 2007 from which I’ve learned how to manifest). I was paid well, I travelled around the world, stayed at 5 star hotels, lived a glamours lifestyle and had the job that my friends could only dream of.


What my friends didn’t know was – I was stressed and felt burnt out. My work schedule was very intense and stressful – constant business trips and never ending meetings. I was exhausted, unfulfilled, and stuck.

I couldn’t imagine going on like that for the rest of my life, and the thought itself already made me anxious and scared. I wanted more meaning, purpose, and freedom in my life. Deep inside me I heard a voice telling me that I must make a decision to change my life or I may forever be stuck at where I was.

It was a bit scary to be honest, in terms of feeling stuck where I didn’t want to be and of getting out of my comfort zone. You know that kind of feeling when you want to do something but at the same time are fearful of making changes and the unknown. Then I saw this quote “If you want something you’ve never had, you must do something you’ve never done.” that struck me!

The fear of being stuck was larger than my fear of change, I then decided to take a leap of faith and started searching for meaning, purpose and freedom in my life. 


When the student is ready, the teacher appearsI met my spiritual mentor – A venerable Buddhist monk from Thailand. That’s when my spiritual and meditation journey began. It has been a decade since I learnt practicing meditation, Dhamma, and mindfulness from him. All the practices have helped me so much in coping with the ups and downs in life, and helped me discover the power of our mind. I’ve always applied LOA (Law Of Attraction) to attract the jobs that I loved and other amazing things in my life.


The purpose and freedom searching journey has finally turned me away from the corporate world and led me to entrepreneurship in online travel business. Between 2015 – 2017 my online business bloomed and I travelled to many countries. I took 10 -12 vacations a year while I was building my online business. I am grateful for all the experiences, skills and knowledge that I’ve gained during my entrepreneurial journey. I thank myself for taking the leap of faith to become an entrepreneur that has transformed my mindset to a higher level – From a fixed mindset to a growth mindset.


I reached the lowest point of my life. I experienced a huge setback from my business. When this happened I just moved to a new country all by myself where I had no friends, trying to expand my business which didn’t work out as planned. I was feeling so broken and lost inside, I even experienced suicidal thoughts. That was the first time in my life that I discovered emotional healing. I needed help so badly to heal mentally and emotionally, and to get my life back.

During my healing journey, I discovered what limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks are, and how that situation was created for me to learn some valuable lessons in my life. That was a huge wake up call for me to re-evaluate my personal value, life purpose, my dreams, and the life that I want to live and create.

I also found out that I was carrying a lot of my parents’ limiting beliefs, especially my mother’s such as:  Success is not for women”, “I am not good enough”, “Money is never enough”, “Women can’t be successful”,  “Women should stay home”, “Money is hard to keep”, “Money is hard to earn”, “Money is the root of all evil” and many more. I have worked so hard to heal myself and get rid of my limiting beliefs to break through those negative patterns and subconscious blocks to get to where I am today. 

Things always happen for a reason, so I believe that my business failure needed to happen to help me grow and to awaken me to pursue one of my purposes in life –

To inspire and help other people, especially women grow through the dark period of life and to remind them that they all have the power to make the rest of their life the best of their life, regardless of how bad the situation may look like. It’s all created already in your mind, either you are aware or not aware of it.

2018 AND ONWARD – FULFILLING MY PURPOSEBecome Certified Theta Healer and Women Emotional Health Advocate

I had to start everything all over again from ZERO or I should say from a negative standpoint, in a new country, without any solid connection. Yet, when my limiting beliefs were replaced by empowering ones, I started to see the light, I started to believe that everything is possible, I started to focus on how I can get my life back on track instead of mourning what didn’t work out or feeling pity for myself. 

I was amazed how my reality started to shift beyond my imagination – positive events, new opportunities, and people started to show up in my life either to guide me or to help me. I was getting many clients even in the very beginning of my healing business. New ideas and abundance flowed, and the most important of all – my relationship with my mother mended when I realized that they were doing the best they knew on how to become a parent, and they were also taught in that way.  We are now in the best relationship we have ever been in.

This becomes possible when we eliminate our limiting beliefs. Only then can we start to see everything from a deeper level with perspective, clarity, discernment, forgiveness, and compassion. We all do the best we can based on what we know at that time.

I now love what I do and I am thankful for the experiences and lessons in my life, and now I am on my mission to help a million people get out of their emotional prison; to help them change their limiting beliefs, rewrite their life story, find their life purpose, develop a miracle mindset, so they won’t easily get caught up or stuck by any sudden change in their life.

I have healed many individuals from all walks of life and helped them release their limiting beliefs, emotional stress, and past traumas. It always brings me so much joy and contentment when I learn that my clients’ lives have drastically changed professionally and personally for the better.

With my experiences and success of healing hundreds of people, I am confident that I can help you break through your limiting beliefs so you can start to fly and achieve your wildest dreams and goals that your heart desires.

You deserve and it’s your birthright to live a more fulfilling, purposeful, happier, healthier, and abundant life.  Regardless of your past, you can always make the rest of your life the best of your life. 

CLICK HERE if you want to learn more about my healing services

Sending you all Love & Light,

Connie xx

Elite Awardee of “2018 Social Awareness Award ” presented by Hollywood Weekly Magazine Asia.

I love traveling and travel always awakens my soul. This is one of my best vacation in Katerini, Greece.

Another vacation in Spain. I love the local tapas and cava. They are delicious!

Interviewed by one of the largest Radio Station in Manila sharing about Women Entrepreneurship.